Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Partial Recap

During the day on Friday I went and shot some hoops with Benny, Crow, and Bart. Philly was supposed to show, and did, but after I had to leave. Slowpoke.

Ed's unofficial going away party. See, he is even waving goodbye to everyone. Bye Ed!

My table at the wedding on Saturday. They were a blast. I found that Lu and I both have a fondness for champagne fountains. Watch out for the chocolate fountain though, it gets messy.

Can't forget Marty!

Me and the lovely couple. A little blurry though...

This pic is so much better, probably because I'm not in it!

My after wedding party with my best buds and their best ladies... heh. (not trying to insinuate that they have more than one, of course) :)

This is what I was in for after my buddies split Saturday night.

My reaction

Jen and Jeff's new super cute puppy, Callie.

All in all, I had an awesome labor day weekend. Sad to say it is over. Stayed out late all 3 nights but one night will remain the best.


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