Tuesday, February 08, 2005


People are entitle to live their lives how they please. As long as people's actions do not break any state or federal laws then they should be fine. Hearing, reading, or even seeing somethings that people do that are perfectly fine and then gossiping about it as if it were not fine is not cool. That is just like making up a bad word. For instance if I decided that the word pencil was a bad word and trying to enforce it. That is entirely not fair to everyone else. So finding out information about something that is perfectly normal about someone and then talking about it as if it were bad is just wrong. Gossip is a horrible thing and when you go and read about people that you may know or think that you know and then spread the information as if it were bad it is not cool. You think you know but you don't. People like to have fun. If you're not having fun don't take it out on those that know how to live life. I'm sorry you might be stuck in a place that your only outlet for entertainment is to read about others and gossip. Don't make a big deal out of my life because yours isn't. I have nothing to hide. I'm a good person and I'm living the short existance that was given to me.


At Tuesday, February 08, 2005 1:05:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love gossip. i am very "curious'. i just TRY to keep the bad stuff to myself, and spread the good stuff around (like how it's cool kyle is doing this walk for charity). i'm a nerd. someone spread that around. oh. old news? just make something up, people do it all the time...


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