In some cases, there's two somebodies for one person. I like to call that "the jackpot".
Well, Friday was Ed's 24th birthday extravaganza. He had a great time. I had a great time. Everyone lived through the night. Thank God.
Saturday was a trip to Bloomington Normal for Laura's 23rd birthday. She had a great time (that she can remember). Everyone else appeared to have a good time.
Yes, I did find a seat by a doorway. I wasn't really drinking (just 2) and I just felt like chilling plus I enjoy watching people at bars. I always have, even before becoming a bouncer myself. Kids in college towns are always a hoot.
I miss living in Bloomington Normal. I really enjoyed it there. It is a good town. I think it might be the fact that I was living in my own place. I didn't have to be courtious and let the people that I live with know where I was going if I wanted to go somewhere. I tried calling people that I still know there while I was there but I could not get ahold of anyone. That was a downer because I was really looking forward to seeing a friend that I have not seen in a long while.
I ended the weekend with a movie night with friends. I saw Hide and Seek last night. It reminds me why I prefer to see Comedies. Sure I like scary and horror films but they are not my favorite genre. The anticipation kills me. My thing is that when I watch a movie I let myself feel immersed by the movie. The main reason why I love movies so much. I feel like I am a part of the movie and feel everything that the people on the screen feel. So when scary stuff happens, it affects me greatly.
Tonight I am going to see Constantine at the theater with other friends. Which is a Keanu movie that is based upon a comic book (never read it) and is about God versus the Devil and things that surround it. Pretty graphic and supernatural looking. I expect to be entertained.
I think I actually only saw 1/3 of Hide and Seek. I am the same way you are, Kyle. I get too involved in movies.
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