Saturday, February 19, 2005

My Twin

So there were talks of twins a while back in the blogging circle. Well, my twin has finally surfaced. He is Gary Brolsma (a 19 yr old kid from NJ) basically filmed himself lip-synching "Numa Numa" video. He is all over the news and the internet. I believe I have found his site with help of Mr. Shoo. He is good at finding the nerd video sites.

So here is what you do. Go to this site it will then load, THEN click on Play Without Subtitles because that is the uncut version or rather has no picture popups within it. The website it comes from is If you watch the "play original version" it has stuff spliced in but I think the clean version (without subtitles) is the best. So CHECK IT OUT NOW! MY TWIN! Expressions and all.

Also this site has the video too and seems to have more of other things spliced in too but the quality is good. Not as blocky.


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