Monday, December 26, 2005

And So It Begins

Well, I just started my prep for tomorrow's surgery. It isn't the most pleasant and I am now house ridden for the remainder of time before the surgery. But for all those who don't know. I go in for surgery tomorrow/Tuesday morning. It is a Hernia surgery and it is at St. John's at 10am. I will be there for 23 hours... so I guess I'll get a room and all that jazz. I've got a few people I'm going to call or have called post-surgery. Ed, Reier, Philly G, Mels. I'm not too worried about it and it isn't as major as my splenectomy that I had almost 2 years ago now but I will be in over night. I get to keep all my organs this time and I am actually have something put in instead of taken out, the mesh. I hope to maybe be mobile by New Years Eve but I'll have to just play it by ear. I won't be drinking alcohol for a while. I want to heal properly.

Thanks to everyone for your well wishes. I apprectiate it very much.


At Monday, December 26, 2005 6:56:00 PM , Blogger Amanda said...

I'll be thinking about you Kyle....

Get better fast!

At Monday, December 26, 2005 7:41:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best of luck to you! Say hello to the girls on the third floor for me.

At Monday, December 26, 2005 9:12:00 PM , Blogger K- said...

Well, if I knew who anonymous was... that might be possible. But if I say, hey the anonymous person who commented on my blog says hello to all of you ladies, that might be a little bit odd.


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