Thursday, February 01, 2007


So, I got the flu shot at the beginning of flu season. Paid about 30 bucks for the shot. I was so proud that I got it, thinking to myself, haha! Now I won't get the nasty icky flu.

Well, as the doctor stated today, there are cases where the flu shot does not always prevent getting the flu. I got the full blown flu. I think that I've had it all week and I've been ignoring it. Well, that is until I had the worst sleep ever tuesday night so that I called in for the whole day on Wednesday. Probably should have gone in to the doctor then but I thought. I know how to deal with the flu... plenty of fluids and plenty of rest. Well, today I wasn't doing much better. I attempted to do the morning shift. I made it but now I feel bad that I was even there. After my morning shift today I said, I've had it, I'm going to get this checked out.

So I went. Temp of 102, full blown flu, and highly contagious. My parents were very happy to hear that. They started sterlizing everything that I may have touched over the past few days. They already have been keeping their distance. I'm on some meds I've never had before. Not antibiotics, cause those don't work on the flu anyway.

I expect to be better for the superbowl. Go Bears!

As for the step 1, I got set back by sickness. Seriously, Monday and Tuesday, I felt so crappy that I couldn't do much of anything and then it was an onslaught, now I'm trying to get better. I still plan on heading downtown to get apps, but it's gotta wait til next week.


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