Sunday, February 13, 2005

Back to the Grind

Monday is almost here but not yet! Today I get to rub elbows with an older crowd. I'm standing in for my dad with my mom at a 40th wedding aniversary party of their friends. My pappie is in CT for the next week on business, so PARTY! No, just kidding. No parties here. I'm still a working man and have responsibilities.

After that I may try to organize a movie night. I was thinking about at a friend's place because she offered a few days ago but she is claiming to be sick now so I think I will push for going to the theater. I don't need to get sick. With no spleen I am already constantly battling head colds. Enough to drive a man insane.

This has been a pleasant 3 day weekend for me. I didn't work my day job on Friday because of good old Abraham Lincoln's Birthday. I only worked the door last night which still ended up being a good night. I turned in my first essay complete and on time this past Thursday at class. Hopefully I did a good job. I know I planned it out and tried to do well on it.

People have been complaining about how I have not been updating my blog much lately. "btw, you are slacking on blogging"-Anonymous. I have my reasons and I don't have to share. Mr. Shoo's blog is the one that everyone reads anyway. He is a lot cooler than I am so just read that when I don't update. He is so cool and he puts up pictures and videos and talks about how bogged down with work he is.

It has been raining since last night and maybe even nonstop. It is making today one of those gloomy days where you don't want to get out of bed. The thing is that in my room even on the sunniest of days it looks like a gloomy rainy day. So I can't really say that today makes me want to stay in bed longer except that maybe once I got up and saw that it really was raining I really wanted to jump back into bed. If that makes sense.

So everybody has "love" (or is it just lust) in their minds with it slowly becoming Spring and it also being Valentine's Day tomorrow. Some people on dates. Some people dating. Some people not making moves. Some people not staying out of peoples personal lives. Some people keeping in the status quo by not even dating to begin with. Just date or don't date. Don't make it more complicated for other people by playing match maker. If a person asks for help then cool go ahead and help. But if they don't ask for help then not cool. When a person gets signals from a 3rd party then they have their own signals, the possible relationship person's signals, then also the "coach's" signals. That is a lot of signals.

Main Entry: jol·ly
Pronunciation: 'jä-lE
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): jol·li·er; -est
Etymology: Middle English joli, from Old French
1 a (1) : full of high spirits : JOYOUS (2) : given to conviviality : JOVIAL
b : expressing, suggesting, or inspiring gaiety : CHEERFUL
2 : extremely pleasant or agreeable : SPLENDID

I was told last night that it was great to "See Happy Jolly Kyle". I'm glad that I could make an appearance. Also with not drinking that proves that people can have a good time without alcohol. Even though a friend yelled at me to do a shot obviously forgetting that I had given up alcohol for LENT. That put me in a slightly less good mood than I was in. I don't dig people yelling at me. Sometimes I think about quitting drinking for good. Or save it for special occassions like birthdays and weddings and real big holidays. That would save me a lot of money. Plus I can be a better friend if you think about it. I can drive people home when they need it. Like on Friday I drove a person to their destination because they were a little too intoxicated to drive. Last night I drove a friend home because their ride had left for home earlier in the night. I'm there to help and I'm sure it makes friends feel better knowing that I can give them a ride and I feel better knowing that I can be there for my friends.

Until next time, Peace.


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