Friday, March 04, 2005

A Chill Pill?

So, I made a comment that Mr. Shoo's site has gimmicks in my previous blog post. He took it as though I said he only had gimmicks. Then I made the statement that I don't have gimmicks. I said this because I'm saying to my peeps that read my blog that I appreciate them because I am unable to provide them with more and they still read. People enjoy what Mr. Shoo has to say too BUT he has other stuff on there too that people read religiously. I mean, Jesus, calm down. I've never seen someone make a press release badgering his buddy because his buddy said his dotcom had gimmicks. Way to go on the creative outlet.

He wants me to "keep K'ing it up somewhere else". Easy to do buddy, easy to do. I appreciate and thank-you for saying please. Something that I emphasize with my children, pleases and thank-you's.


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