Saturday, March 05, 2005

Movie and a Dinner

Today has been good so far. I've been doing laundry. Yes, I do laundry. Every so often I get to the point that washing 1 load when I need it is not good enough. So I started seperating my clothes and I have been trying to get the chore done. In the middle of all of that washing and drying I went to a movie with my dad. My mom is out of town for the weekend so I decided to invite the old man to a movie. We finally saw Meet The Fockers which I had planned on taking him to see over the holidays but he is so busy or else is in a "I'm tired and pissy so bug off" mood. We both enjoyed the movie. I was surprised at the number of people who were there to see the movie. It has been out literally since Christmas and it is now March. People should not be seeing it anymore. But I guess that is why it is even here still. So afterwards we got ourselves some pizza at Coz's Pizza. Oh boy, that was mmmm mmmm delicious. I love their pizza. So far each time I go is a great time. Then we came home, we both agreed that we had a good time.

Tonight I'm doing the door thing. Maybe I'll see people out. Who knows?


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