Sunday, April 24, 2005


Oh man oh man oh man. What a freaking weekend! Let me just say that volunteering at a walk is pretty darned fun. Granted if you didn't know anyone there besides yourself then it might not be as fun. I just got done helping out with the March Of Dimes Walk in Schaumberg. WE'RE SAVING BABIES! Was my battle cry. We were up at the buttcrack of dawn, no wait, we were up BEFORE the buttcrack of dawn and sat around waiting for dawn to happen. Then the set up happened. Then the walk happened. Then the teardown happened. We were done at the site by about 1:30pm. I couldn't believe that it was only 1pm because it felt like 10pm by that time. Especially since I had been up since 4am. Anyway, it was a great time. I worked a checkpoint along the route and stamped walker's "cards" with a smiley faced stamper. We handed out gum, nail files, and cups of water. We were very popular along the route. Especially because we were actually at our station. Some people started the walk an hour before the walk actually started. Can you believe that? Then they expected people to be at the checkpoints. I was like, um, I hope that they are there soon.

My muscles are spastic now. No really, spastic. Lifting boxes, carrying tables 100s of feet, carrying packs of bottled water to and fro. Hanging signs in 30 mile per hour winds is insanely fun.


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