Saturday, July 22, 2006

Why do I feel all alone

The friend links to the right. I have attempted to put them in an order of those who update the most toward the top and those who rarely or actually never update toward the bottom. For instance, Becky just updated her blog so I moved her up but I didn't move her all the way up because she hasn't proved that the updates would be frequent yet. Now I'm not saying that they will always be in update order but if you click the first few there will more than likely be some sort of new content.

I just went for a walk/jog. That was fun. I jogged solid for a 2 minute stretch. I know because I timed myself on my cell phone clock. I almost died but I did it. My breathing gets out of hand before my legs start to give way. I think that with the not really smoking, it will get better. Although my legs giving way isn't too far behind the breathing. Over all with a few other jogs mixed in I walk/jogged for about an hour. I feel pretty good, now, if I can only do this with some sort of frequency.

I work job #3 tonight. Let's hope that I can get out of there before 1am. I know I am working with someone who is a quick closer so I feel it could be successful.

If I only was making more money. Life would be so much better. Honestly. I know how some people say that more money just makes more problems or there are more things to spend money on once you have more. For me it wouldn't be like that. I need more to get on with my life. I need more to be able to have my own life. Just enough to live comfortably on my own. I don't need to be rich. Yeah, that would be nice but it isn't what I need.


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