Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Weekend: Friday Night

The up-nose. Doesn't work as well for me as it does Mr. Shoo.


Is this like when a baby lets wind?

Rare appearance by birthday girl Vance.

My second home. Where everyone knows my name... well, it'd be cool if EVERYONE actually did...

Mr. Mingle

A round of shots for the crew. Maybe I'll be able to join in someday.

Phone check, Water check, Bowl of popcorn check. Must be another night at the door.

Cute, too cute.

My waitress for the evening. Mrs. Dana

Another up-nose attempt. I think that I'm giving up on these already. Still a good pic, not because I'm in it though.

I must have got boring, D retreated to the Megatouch.

Good times to be had by the door at Browns!

As I live and Breathe! It's the Ogre.

One can only take so much fun, D needs sleepy


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