Saturday, September 09, 2006

You say hello, and I say goodbye

Man, what a long week. I think it is because Monday was a holiday but this week dragged on and on.

We got a new DVD player finally. It's nice too. Just a single disc one though but much better actually than our older 5 disc changer. Ed pointed me in the right direction on what to pick out for our needs.

What is really nice is that it plays homemade CDs and DVDs now. Our old one wasn't cool like that.

These are the specs on the dvd player

Sleeping pills. I've had sleep issues lately. I figured I would take some sleeping meds to help get me to sleep when I need to be asleep. That's fine. The problem is when they don't seem to wear off when I am up and at'em in the morning. They appear to linger.


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