Thursday, November 09, 2006


The IMDB page for Van Wilder 2

I never saw this one coming. If anything maybe another one with Ryan Reynolds but no. This one focuses solely on Taj. AND it comes out in just a few weeks(December 1st). How did this slip past my radar? It must not be advertised very well. I did read there is a small possibilty of a Ryan Reynolds cameo but I don't know for sure.

Probably to coincide with the 2nd movie in the franchise coming out they are releasing another edition of the original movie on DVD.

Van Wilder (Two-Disc Van Gone Wilder Edition)

The first one was awesome, I don't know if Taj can carry the whole movie with the charisma of Van Wilder. Might be worth checking out. I know that because of seeing this I really want to pop the edition I already have in and watch it.


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