Thursday, January 20, 2005

My Pic

Do you like my picture? I hope you do because that is the only one on the web that I can find that is a short enough web link and also is under 50kb in size. I was going to link one from Shooey's photo nailer thing that he has on his website but if you link to a specific photo it is an insanely long address. So I found one of the right size on my old website which can be accessed by the link to the right. I don't know why it is so small, it isn't normally that small of a picture.

So tonight I watched the second night of American Idol 4. Yeah, most of those people suck ASS! Geez whiz. I thought the same thing last year when it started up but it worked itself out although I still don't think that they picked the best one. I think the America Vote screwed that one up and the judges have no say over who America votes off. Neat concept but I don't think that should override the judges no matter how obnoxious the judges are. After that I got called randomly by Crow. We chatted for about 40 minutes. Then I hung out on the computer for a while. I then got ready to go to the bar. Getting ready consists of me putting on my shoes and jacket. Just so that you know. I went in to say by to my parents. My mom was on the phone and my dad was watching a news report and I made a comment question about what the news report was about and my dad turned up the volume and didn't respond. So that means, in my world, bug off Kyle. So I turned around and just left without telling dear old dad where I was going. He doesn't deserve to know where I am going when he does crap like that.

I headed down to Browns. Natalie, Kristen, Laura and others were out celebrating Sarah's birthday. Jeff and his girl were there having a few drinks and Matt and Lori were there. Matt and Lori are the reason I came out because Matt invited me out because they were going to be out but they invited me out at 6ish and I didn't get out until 10ish. So they were ready to leave shortly after I got there. But anytime spent hanging with them is time well spent. Always a good time. So then I chatted with Jeff for a while, then he and his girl and I went to Mojo's for a drink. Admired the scenery for a while then I headed back to Browns. Had 1 more and signed Sarah's poster before I headed home. I wasn't planning on staying out late to begin with but I just needed to get out of the house. So home before 1am is early for me. I need it though. I have some studying to do but I think I may do it after my morning shift before my nap tomorrow. Yay for naps! I won't be able to do this forever so I take advantage of it while I can.


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