Tuesday, January 18, 2005


BSW: Speaking of Spielberg, is it true you're writing Jurassic Park IV for him?

John Sayles: I'm working on it right now. I've been doing some drafts on it; I wasn't the original writer. And it's fun. I've worked for both producer Kathy Kennedy and Steven years ago, and I've done alligators and werewolves and giant cockroaches--if it eats people, I've done it. So dinosaurs are a nice addition. I'm a screenwriter for hire, and there's only a few genres I don't like; I'm not a big fan of slasher movies or vampire movies or hitmen movies, so I haven't done one of those. But pretty much every genre, there's movies I like within them. So my criteria for taking a job is: Is there a cool movie that could be made of this that I would like to see, and who are the people I'm dealing with? And I've gotten to work with really, really cool people. That's part of the fun of the job. And very few directors get this. Directors meet one another on panels and at festivals and stuff like that, but they rarely get to work together. And whether the movies have gotten made or not, I've gotten to work with some really, really interesting directors and gotten that little window into how they think about story and prepare a movie. It's always kind of a nice fly-on-the-wall thing.

September 8, 2004
Winston: JP4 Script Almost CompleteA report from ol' DJP3P friend
Nate this morning, who attended a recent Q&A session with JP series special effects guru Stan Winston. "We made it through the entire night without any mention of JP4 until they very end," Nate says. "A guy in the back row yelled out, 'Hey Stan, whats the deal with JP4?'", to which Winston replied "The script is a few weeks out".

This is a good Jurassic Park page with good info... Dan's JP3 Page

This page has some decent links to news articles Counting Down


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