Saturday, January 29, 2005


Well for all you who missed it or didn't ask me to, I stayed out til about 4am last night. It does depend on who is asking and where we are going. Don't think that if I am in the mood to stay out really late that you can ask me to go to the lace or pts. No way. But yes, I went and hung out with a buddy until about 2am and then we went out to perkins for some late night breakfast. It was mmm mmm good. I was home by about 4am. What really sucks for me is that I had been up since 6am. It has been a while since I have gone 22 hours. I did get a 20 minute nap in but I am not really counting that because it actually only made me more tired. I attribute it to the people I was hanging with. Sometimes they are positive motivators. Crow woke me up at about noon today. I was dead asleep and probably would have slept another few hours if he hadn't called. I was unable to get back to sleep after he woke me up. I'm not fond of wake up calls. I almost always let the person know that they woke me up. Not in a mean way but more of a grunt, yeah you woke me up.

Things are going well for me. More like things are not going poorly so that must mean that they are well right? I have this stupid little head cold thingy where I feel fine but I am sniffing a lot and every so often I get that tickle to sneeze which does NOT always follow through which is complete agony. The lingering sneeze that never comes through is torture. I think everyone would agree. It is like just sneeze already. But you don't have control over it and it is so much better when it goes on its own.

Shoo is designing/creating the website for Mojo's. He is attempting to create a website name for it that is not already taken out there on the world wide web. I'm not really a huge fan of any of them. A web address can be a key component of a web site. Something catchy and something that everyone can remember easily without having to write it down. But I do like my idea of It is the name and the address # not a whole lot of wording but enough.


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