Sunday, March 06, 2005

Beautiful Day

Wow it sure it a beautiful day today. I just took a drive. I thought about walking but then my laziness kicked in. The park was packed and since it is Sunday it was blocked off to vehicle traffic so I would have had to park on the street. I thought about calling people to do something outside but I'm getting a little tired of that. Lately it seems like people want to hang out but then don't want to hang out. One friend has been all down and out and it is starting to get me down too. It is like, why wouldn't you want to hang? Is staying at home and not doing crapola that much fun? I know I hate staying home. Unless I have good reason. I've been thinking about doing the recluse bit though. Which goes against my belief that life is to be lived. Being a shut-in is no way to live life. If you are bored, wouldn't it at least be better to be bored with friends? I know I hate to miss out on life. Life is happening all the time all around us. If you don't hang out that one time you could be missing out on the best night of your life. Sometimes the small laid back times are the best times too. Just knowing that you are happy and content enough to just chill is the best.

I feel like things are falling apart though. It is hard to explain what I mean and how I feel about this but maybe the best way to explain it is that the tide is changing. Friends' lives are changing and taking different directions. New jobs, new relationships, new hobbies, new friends. Take a look around. Is everything the same as it once was? I know the world around us is constantly changing. That is a fact. We won't be the tight knit group that we once were. I can see the change happening right now. My dad makes a point that once people start getting married I probably won't see friends of mine anymore. They will have their own lives to live and sometimes that moves in a direction that doesn't include people of the past. He had buddies that he couldn't have been closer to and then they married and moved or even if they didn't move they still lost contact. Talking to each other once a year becomes the extent of the friendship. Just enough to keep tabs but the lives are no longer connected except for the times they had in the past, stories, events, memories. Is that all life friendships are going to become? A memory of the past? I don't want to lose what I have. Things will change though, so all we can do is embrace it and do the best we can with what is dealt into our hand. That is why I push for people to hang out, to be together, to create memories because someday that is all we will have. We won't always be together. Sure new people will come into our lives but the old friends may phase out. I try to postpone that as much as I can. Friends are my life. Sure, I have family. Family will always be there but friends are a different and special part of life and make it worth living. When you stay home and alienate friends then you should ask yourself, Am I taking the fullest advantage of what life is giving me?


At Monday, March 07, 2005 2:19:00 PM , Blogger K- said...

Well, that's ONE.

At Tuesday, March 08, 2005 3:22:00 PM , Blogger phillip said...

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At Tuesday, March 08, 2005 3:26:00 PM , Blogger phillip said...

you've always had your old friends close to you, haven't you? the problem with old friends is they scatter. if you move on you have to get used to making new friends and feeling isolated and homesick. the alternative is to live in a small town. small towns were invented to protect people from change.


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