Friday, April 15, 2005


Okay, my Internet Explorer has been a dick to me lately. I'm typing this on Netscape because I.E. isn't let me get to my post page. Other things too.

So today I had great plans for my midday break. I was going to some straight home and start mowing. I do actually enjoy mowing when I get started. It is really good exercise and I also work on a tan out in the beautiful weather. Well, I come home. I eat. I then get really really tired. I can't stay awake. I think, I will just nap for 20 minutes and then I hit snooze a million times and end up sleeping for about 2 hours. Then I have to go vacuum over at the family next door's apartment and change a light bulb. By the time that I get done with this I have less than an hour before I leave to head back to work. No more time to mow. I'm so pissed at myself. Now I will have to mow in the evening after work when I will actually probably be more tired than I was this morning. Plus I work the door this evening so mowing between jobs and staying up late is always a great combination.

Now I've got about 20 minutes left before I head back to work. What to do? SO much time yet not enough.


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