Friday, April 08, 2005

Helping out Nonni

This is an email I got from a friend. Please read and if you have time help out. Thanks


Okay... As some of you may know my boyfriend, Josh, has a band that is
really awesome. He is the lead vocalist and the rhythm guitar player (and
'founder' i guess). Anyway, his band entered the new band showcase contest
for Cornerstone Festival and they made it into the Semi-finalist. This is
like a BIG deal, because 16 out of the 24 semifinalist go on and actually
PLAY at cornerstone on one of the big stages. Cornerstone festival has
apprx 25,000 people in attendance, so a good amount of fresh faces would be
able to hear them play.

Here's the dilemma. Since his band has been working hard on making a
quality CD, rather than doing concerts and building a fan base, they don't
have that many fans, because they haven't played any shows (however, their
music is soooo fantastic). And to be a finalist, people/fans have to vote
on the Cornerstone website for their favorite new band.

This is where you lovely friends come in:
I need you to vote for his band. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE And, if you
could, send this to as many people as you can that appreciate and support
good music.
This is how you vote:

1. Go to this website:

2. Register as a voter by clicking on the "registered user" link

3. Put in your info. (trust me, they won't send you junk mail, it's
perfectly safe)

4. Check your e-mail which gives you a link to vote.

5. Vote for The Glass Music Box only. (i suppose you could vote for other
bands, but it gives Josh more votes and others less. )

6. Then pass on the info to all your friends!!

To listen to his band's music (so you know what you are voting for) go to:

and you can either download or just listen to a couple of their songs from

I would REALLY REALLY appreciate if you could do this favor for me. (and
send info to others). And please let me know if you have voted so I can
send you a big e-mail kiss.



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