Monday, April 11, 2005


"Oh Veronica Vaughn! So hot! Want to touch the hiney! Arrroooooooo!"

This weekend was a fast one. I had some major life drama on Friday which nearly spun my world out of control. Worked the door at DH on Friday night. I did not work on Saturday as I was a patron at the biggest birthday party of the year. The link to the site revolving around the party is to the right. Mr. Shoo should be posting pictures and videos and all that fun stuff on his site or the bday site. So everybody hound him about it because he likes to be a slacker and sit around and watch the Discovery Channel all day and all night. Nothing but mammals.

I'm the last man standing and I think that I may just have to sit down because of it. Creemy, Crowy, Monchichi, Mr. Shoo, Theed, and Rd all are attached now. That's awesome. Good, great, grand, wonderful. So, what does that mean. No more fun. Think about it.

Sure there is fun to an extent because I know you'll try to name off examples. It isn't the same when you have to consider more than yourself.


At Tuesday, April 12, 2005 1:32:00 PM , Blogger said...

Correction, I was saving the world last night.

At Tuesday, April 12, 2005 1:54:00 PM , Blogger K- said...

Right. Save the world Mr. Shoo. Is your name Super Shoo? He'll Shoo right by you before you know what to do. Haha. I made a funny.


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