Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Ugh, I had to dish out a little bit of money this morning. I wasn't too happy about it either. After my morning shift I got into my car. Started it up. Then, the battery light wouldn't go off. I would rev my engine and once it revved high enough it would go off but then when the RPMs would go back down it would come back on. So I do what any sound minded individual would do, I called my dad. He gave me the advice of going to Springfield Battery Company which is out on East Cook St. across from WICS. I go out there. I explain what happened and they then started testing my alternator and then my battery. Turns out that my battery was bad. It was about 5 years old which is not good. So I got a new battery. I didn't get one of the long life ones because hopefully I don't have my car a whole lot longer. I dished out 36 bucks for the service and a 2 year battery. Not too bad and they were extremely helpful. My dad says that they are the best place to go for battery concerns because they know their stuff, are very reasonable, and get to the point.


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