Sunday, April 17, 2005


Sometimes I feel so lonely. I feel as though there is no one around me. It is like the saying I'm surrounded by friends and I don't know any of them. It goes something like that. I think I just butchered it. That is why I don't tell jokes because I can never remember them properly.

I want to call people. I want to do things. I want to live life. I feel like something is behind me pulling on the back of my shirt saying, No. I just want someone that I can count on. I used to feel like I had that. Now I feel as though I have no one. Everyone is living for themselves which is how life is, so I cannot complain too much. It is all about number 1.

I talk to you. I call on you. I care about you and I don't get anything in return. It is like beating me down with a bat everytime I try to prop myself up and look around.

What is true friendship?

What is true companionship?

I don't ask for much. I am a simple man with simple ideas.


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