Friday, November 25, 2005

Who ya gonna call?

Well, I finally called the doctor. My hernia is bothering me more and more lately. I woke up this morning at about 6:30am - 7:30am unbable to sleep because the hernia was burning. I'm getting more and more confirmation about this actually being a hernia. It has been described to me as my stomach pushing up over my diaphram and this can lead to severe heart burn because of the direction the food is ging and it litterally gets stuck. It is a protrusion about the size of a fist right below my rib cage and above my normal ab muscles.

So I called my family doctor to get in as soon as possible. I got an appointment for Monday afternoon. It is with his assistant, and he will be in the office if she needs to consult with him about what needs to be done. Surgery will probably be the thing to happen. I'm not too excited about this. I hate being laid up like I probably will be. What would be great is if I can get it to be over Christmas break so that I don't miss a lot of work. In theory.

I just cannot win, can I?


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