Thursday, January 12, 2006

Superman and Green Lantern, Got nothing on me

Well, it's Thursday. I'm not nerding it up. I'm not bikeback riding with anyone. I'm still on order not to exercise more than walking. I've got a few more weeks of recovering from the surgery yet.

So I crashed out early last night. For me that means before midnight. If I fall asleep before midnight that is early. Because since Sunday night I've been getting like 4 hours, maybe 5, per night. It caught up with me last night. I layed down to read some of my Harry Potter and I couldn't keep my eyes open. SO I thought, why am I fighting this, and then went to sleep. Then I started coughing, so I went and took some cough meds and then passed the F out. It was hard to wake me up this morning, luckily I set my alarm to go off multiple times. So I keep having to deal with it. I'm so glad the coffee was made and ready to go when I got to the kitchen. Coffee is my lifeline anymore. I love the stuff. I probably drink about a half of a pot to a pot of coffee a day. and I'm talking a 12 cup pot. Mmmm. I'm actually sitting here right now sippping on some good black coffee.

So this weekend I work the door at DH, well, Just Friday night. Anyone got ideas on plans for Saturday? I'm free right now. At least I think I am. I hope I haven't forgotten anything.

Since I've been losing weight I've noticed a few things. For ones my bones are more visible. Like my collar bone, and bones on my hands and feet. It's weird. Also, I'm a very warm blooded man, but I've been getting cold lately. Like my hands and feet will be freezing. It's odd. I bundle up more often now. ANother thing is that I find that I shake my leg more, not all the time. But I do it more.. Which I feel is a good thing because that means that I've got all this energy and hopefully will be burning it off more sucessfully now.

This week I've been doing very well with my eating right. I haven't splurged at all. Maybe on beef jerky but at the same time I don't consider that a bad splurge because it has no saturated fat and it is good for you. Except the salt content.


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