Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Kerasotes Movie Goers!


* What's the Deal?

After a particular film has played a certain number of weeks — at least two — but occasionally more, our contracts with the film companies allow us to offer you a discounted price, so admission to those films will be available to club members for only $5.

* How Do I Get It?

Fill out the information on the right and we will mail you a card, for free.

* How Do I Use It?

Just present it at the box office along with your five bucks for one admission.

* How Do I Know When I Can Use the Five Buck Club™ Card?

Every Thursday we will send you the show times for the coming week for our participating theatres. An image of the Five Buck Club™ card will identify which movies the Five Buck Club™ card can be used for.

(You will not find this information in the newspaper or on our Kerasotes.com website.)


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