We're Saving Babies!
This weekend is the March Of Dimes Walk up in Chicago. As I did last year I will be going up to help out my sister who is the WalkAmerica Coordinator for the March of Dimes in Chicago.
I get to man the “moonwalk jump” letting kids into and out of it. I need to make sure that there are not too many kids in at one time, giving them time limits, etc.
Additional instructions from the rental company:
Under age 5, no more than 8 kids
Under age 8, no more than 8 kids
9-13, no more than 6 kids
Over 14, no more than 4 kids
No shoes or sharp objects in the moonwalk.
No climbing on the netting.
Since I love children and work with them all week my sister felt that me working with them on the weekend was perfect. At first I was like, oh no. Then I was like, oh well. It should be a good time. I think I won't shave so I have that gruff intimidating look so when I yell "TIME'S UP!" the kids are like, EEEEEK! And run for cover. Then I will say, thank you for saving babies in the nicest tone possible.
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