Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Goose Bumps

Oh man, I love Superman. I want to go see that again! But I think I'll wait until the 5 buck club and when it will be less crowded. I had to climb over 7 people in the middle of the movie because I couldn't hold it any longer. I hate being that person, but I had 2 teas before I got there and about half of a large lemonade there and then I realized I better lay off, but it was too late.

I felt that the New Superman did well and had a lot of the mannerisms down. Kevin Spacey rocks, authentically shaved head and all. Bosworth was okay. She didn't come off as strong and independant as the old Lois Lanes have.

I'm glad I didn't watch any previews for this. I hate having something so great watered down by seeing the good parts already. Well, that's it for me.


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