Saturday, November 11, 2006

Wedding Weekend Day 1

Oh man, the drive up was fun. Probably the best ride I've had with my parents in a long time. Not much arguing to speak of really. Then we went to Shannon and Neil's new house in Chicago. It is nice. They have a room all ready for me to move into, Here I come! Just kidding Shan. That is unless the parents kick me out too soon. Then we went to the Church for the rehersal. The usher besides the wedding couple probably has the most active role in the wedding party and has the least directions. I get to sit in the back. I have to escort the ladies. Are you here for the Bride or the Groom? This is going to be fun. Maybe. Oh yeah, dinner was at a place called Francesco's where we had about a 7 course dinner. Man oh man. It was wonderful but my only complaint is that we didn't know how much food was coming, so we were taking decent helpings at our table and then it kept coming and coming and coming... oh man. I was in paradise.

Can't wait for the wedding! And Ed! Let the good times roll.


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