Monday, March 29, 2004

Old job...

Well, I went and saw Master and Commander today for just $1.00 at White Oaks Cinema. It is still very weird to go there. If you don't know I used to work there and worked my way up to shift manager. Not the head or anything but I ran the show some of the time. Times have changed and it is now the cheap theater. The staff is almost completely different except for 2 people that I know of and I haven't seen them there cause they don't work very often. I walk down the halls and memories come back and it was a good time working there. I got crap pay working there but I enjoyed it and that is why I stayed there until I did. My beef is that I felt important when I worked there. Everyone who worked there knew me and I knew all of them. I enjoyed working with almost the entire staff. Now I feel like I am nothing when I go there. I feel as if I never actually worked there and maybe it was all in my mind. It is the same theater but now it feels totally different there. But while there I still feel the urge to go to the back office and chat with whoever is managing that shift. I don't know these people though. I could chat movies with them and be like, yeah I used to work here. They don't really care so I don't even bother. I just keep the memory that I know what it is like to be behind the concession stand, to clean a theater after hundreds of people throw popcorn and soda all over the floors, and what it is like to keep the movies running as smoothly as possible so that the movie goer has an enjoyable experience. I might come back to that point some day. I still enjoy movies more than anything else but right now viewing them as everyone else views them is all I have.


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