Oh baby baby...
Well today was another day of work. I met my replacement today at The UPS Store. His name is Kyle, how about 'dem apples? I think he will do fine and pick up the knack of the shipping industry easily. It was a slow busy Monday. It went fast but yet it didn't seem like we had a ton of customers but we did well in sales. It was weird.
I worked on my resume last night. My dad says it is looking good but gave me a few pointers and says if I keep tweeking it every night before Saturday then it should be good to take with me to interviews or mail places. Yeah, this Saturday I am going to apply for a job at BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois. It would be a Customer Service Rep. position but it would be full time starting out at $10.45 an hour plus a benefits package to go along with it. That is what I need more money and benefits. Watch out real world because here I come! WOOOO! In the mean time I may be working part-time at Box & Go but I still have to discuss that more with Mr. Kasper. I will be paying him a visit early in the morning to have a little chat.
Tomorrow is also an important day for my health. I have an appointment with my Hematologist tomorrow early afternoon. I will get my blood platelets checked out and hopefully everything is still great but also I hope my platelets have lowered which isn't something I would have said in the past. After my splenectomy surgery my platelet levels shot through the roof. Normal ranges are between 150,000 and 400,000 and afterwards my platelet levels shot up over a million at about 1.2 million. Which is nuts! The hematologist actually prescribed for me to take a baby asperin a day to keep my blood thin to prevent blood clots. Complete opposite of how I was living a little while ago. Asperin was always a no no for me since it thins the blood but now I can take it without any worries. WOOO! So I hope tomorrow's appointment will go well and all news is good.
Other news my buddy Ed is out in San Diego right now for a job interview with some company that I forget anything that Ed told me about them. I'm not good with those types of details. He actually was flown there yesterday and stays until tomorrow with air fare and hotel paid for by the company that wants to interview with him. "Scotty is on FIRE!" I hope it is everything that he wants and then some because this is a huge opportunity and I know Ed has always wanted to live out on the west coast... WEST SIIIIDE!
Kyle Still Kyle
A personal blog about whatever I have to say.
Monday, May 10, 2004
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