Sunday, December 19, 2004

When I am rich... Part 1

I want to be rich as most people do. I like to think I am already a worldly person. I can't imagine how worldly I would be if and when I become rich. First thing I would do is pay off any and all debt for myself and my immediate family. I wouldn't want that following me around while I travel the world. I want to be a world traveler. I've always loved trips and roughing it but in addition I love living in luxury. Another thing I would do is have a different outfit for every day of my life. I hate laundry. I'm doing laundry right now and it sucks. Yeah yeah, I know that there isn't much to it but I hate standing there washing my clothes knowing that this is all I have and that this has been worn hundreds of times and that it will be worn hundreds of times more. Perks of wearing a brand new outfit all the time include never having to iron the clothes. They are new and in great condition so they never will be wrinkled. Also you never have to worry about stains or if something has a hole in it. Nothing you wear will ever look "dated" because you know it is brand new. I'm not a big shopper but I believe that it is because I don't have a lot of money. I only buy a new shirt or 2 maybe 1 time a year. I ask for clothes at birthdays and Christmas because I'm not big on picking things out and if someone gets it for me then it makes it that much easier.

I will write more on this later

Gotta keep the blog entries short for Ed and Shoo. They are not very good at reading long entries so I have to dumb it down and keep them small in order to keep them happy. Keeping them happy is my main objective in life.


At Monday, December 20, 2004 7:15:00 AM , Blogger said...

I am only mildly happy. You need to pep up these 'Shorter Entries'


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