Tuesday, April 26, 2005

OK People!

Okay, this is when I might start to get annoying. I am participating in the Multiple Sclerosis Walk this coming Sunday, May 1. Not many people have donated yet. Mainly family. You can donate/pledge a flat amount to me. It can be in 3 forms, Cash, Check (make checks payable to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.), or online funding through my personal pledge webpage.

Please hurry, not much time is remaining. It doesn't have to be much. Also, you don't have to donate at all but it is a great cause. I would really appreciate any donation that you are able to give.

I am working the door at the bar (Browns) this coming Friday AND Saturday nights. If you want to give me the money in person and not do the online donation then you can come by and give me the money there. Or get ahold of me some other way. I appreaciate any help you can offer.

Any Questions? Just ask. I will be more than happy to answer them.


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