Friday, September 02, 2005

I keep on trucking

So I hopped on the scales this morning and this evening, guess what I saw? Well, I'm done with telling the scale's weight and then my actual weight, I'll just start doing the math before I post. SO! My actual weight is at 293 pounds! I've almost lost 60 pounds. NOW, just so you know and you may have noticed, it is slowing down. I've really had to make more of a conscious effort as to what I eat and when I eat. Like sugary items or fatty items. I'm trying to rid those completely. I've still got a journey ahead of me seeing as how I want to get down to 200 pounds.

I get to see all 3 of my sisters this weekend at the same time! I'm so stoked. The family is getting together for Labor Day Weekend on Sunday. First time since Christmas time. This will be fun.

I work the door tonight and only tonight. SO come see me tonight. Or don't, it is your perogative.


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