Monday, November 14, 2005


So that Harry Potter 2 book that I had to order for the second time, it came already! WOOOO! HP rocks. I can give Jenny her copy back now that I have my own.

This past weekend was awesome. I worked on Friday night and took it easy. Just drank water then headed home after work.

Saturday, hmmm, I met up with the ladies at the bar. We were supposed to bar hop but that didn't really end up happening. I think we closed down Mojo's and then a few of us went to Mr. Shoo's place to hang out a little longer. I think I made it home shortly after 5:30am

Sunday is the best day ever. Wings, Beer, Football, Beer, Beer, Poker, Beer. Throw in buying a bed and drinking some bloody marys and riding in the back of a truck and my day was set.

Tonight is movie night. Going to see Derailed at Parkway Point at 6:40pm. I sent out the mass text. I hope all can make it, I hear that it is a really good movie. One friend says the best yet this year.

After the movie I will more than likely head down to Browns. Ed is tending bar there. I'm sure some of my lady friends might make appearances too. ;)

So MySpace is the rage again. I've got my link on the right, well, it's been there for a long time but now it is moved up to the top of the list.

Comments anyone?

Sounds like someone's got a case of the Mondays.


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