Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Reserve your copy now!

So, I took a whole bunch more photos than I remembered. I was just looking to upload to my computer what I had from Sunday and I found a whole batch from Saturday. Then something clicked. If I wasn't in a tie in any of the photos that I have published thus far then it was from Friday night. Now, I am not in all of the photos so it is still kind of tough for me to recall. But yeah, check out the photos below. I blogged actual posts below those but I'm sure some of you don't even care about those. It is all like, OHHHH PIC-TURES! Then just stare blankly at the computer screen. Just kidding. I'm not Crabby McGrumpy. Geesh. Can't people take a little joking with a little truth mixed in. It's called all in good fun.

Also, I like comments. Like, funny remarks on a picture, how much you like a picture, or something completely unrelated. Like how Superman is better than Spider-Man.

btw the other pictures that I found from this weekend. Yeah, I'm putting those on hold. I don't want to over load you. Just keep checking back to see if they have been posted to the blog. :) Later party people! Enjoy!


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