Thursday, December 01, 2005

Happy December!

Woooo baby! December started off on the right foot. A beautiful snowfall (without ice) to wake up to. I love it! If I was feeling better I would be out playing in it but alas I am not. The head cold is getting better though. I hope for it to be gone soon.

Today I went to the Blood Doctor. Everything went well there. My platelet count is up at 507,000 which is barely above the high end of the normal range (150,000 - 450,000). So over a year and a half later I am still doing fantastic in the blood department. I would go as far as saying that the splenectomy was a success for what we wanted it to do.

The blood count being high like that is also a good thing I believe for my upcoming surgery. Less likely to bleed to death if I clot well. Always look to the bright side of life.

Other things that have been going on. I went to Bible Study last night. That was a good time.

I chatted with my birthday sister on the phone last night. She is well.

I haven't been to the bar since Monday night. Sorry all. I don't know how any of you can possibly manage without my presence. It must be difficult but you must be strong. Find the courage deep inside your soul and display it proudly on your sleeve.

I'm about half way through Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I haven't had long periods of time where I have been able to sit down with it. I'm making it though.


At Thursday, December 01, 2005 3:28:00 PM , Blogger the good time girl said...

i'm so glad i'm not the only one who loves snow, kyle. we'll have to go sledding and have a snowball fight once you get better and it gets really good and snowy...yay for the first day of december!!


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