Monday, January 16, 2006

Jogging In My Sleep

So, I must be jogging in my sleep because when I woke up this morning I had lost more weight. I am now down to 257.8, that is 92.2 pounds lost. SCORE!


At Monday, January 16, 2006 5:50:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your weight loss is really amazing! I know from experience how difficult it is to be a 'big' guy. Tell me, does that hypnosis thing truly work? I mean, I've got food cravings like you can't imagine. Does the hypnosis completely do away with all of that???

I hate it when those fitness jerks tell you how easy it is to lose weight. "Eat less, exercise more" just doesn't cut it for some people. Anyway, kudos to you and your accomplishment! I think you will make your target weight.


At Monday, January 16, 2006 8:19:00 PM , Blogger K- said...

I know what you are saying.

It works for me by being that voice in the background helping me along. Yeah, I might have a craving, but I will make better choices now. I won't gorge myself on fatty food just because I can. Doesn't mean I won't have it occassionally.

Now that I've been in the paper I've really felt how important it is that I get all the way down. Everyone is watching to see how I do, some are waiting for me to fail unfortunatly. I don't plan on failing. I have come too far for that to happen now.


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