Monday, April 03, 2006

Sick Boy in Full Force

So I've been battling things on and off for like, 3 weeks now. I blame the tornados, they probably brought some strain for virus from Texas that only affects people with no spleen. So I was doing okay, then I got strep. Then I got a little better, well the spots went away. So then I've had a stuffed up nose for another week to week and a half. Then last night my neck gets all stiff and I cannot breathe out of my nose at all. I ditched out on chill time with RD and Chad early so that I can get some sleep. I came home and over medicated myself and hit the hay. My neck is better today but my nose is like a faucet that is kicking out green sewage. Graphic, I know. You're the one that is still sitting there reading about me being sick.

I really don't want to go to the doctor again. Although now besides a 10 dollar copay, my insurance picked up all of my last visit for strep. So it isn't really costing me all that much. But still, do you realize how sick of being sick I am. NO MORE SICK. NO MORE DOCTORS!


At Monday, April 03, 2006 2:51:00 PM , Blogger Amanda said...

Oh geez Kyle. Green sewage?

You need more drugs.

At Monday, April 03, 2006 6:37:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog, and it seems that you have been ill a lot. It also seems that you have quite a few late nights that include alcohol. This could be damaging your immune system, thus perpetuating this constant battle with sickness.

My professional opinion is skip the drugs, get some sleep, and cut back on your drinking.

At Monday, April 03, 2006 7:37:00 PM , Blogger K- said...

Are you a real doctor cynthia? If that is your real name.

I'm not perfect. I have no spleen, I have no gall bladder, and I've got mesh in me. I'm only 24. I don't think that it is only alcohol. It doesn't help, but not the only reason.

I get sleep. Here and there. I don't stay up all night. But I go to bed when I'm tired.

At Tuesday, April 04, 2006 10:47:00 AM , Blogger the good time girl said...

i won't lie, k, my doctor told me the same thing last semester. i was busy with school and attempting to have a social life, and i wasn't getting enough sleep. the doctor gave me antibiotics but told me i'd keep getting sick if i didn't start taking care of my body.
but maybe that's just me...


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