Thursday, April 13, 2006

Sinking Feeling

So I keep getting this sinking feeling. I'm not talking about that tickle in your stomach. I'm talking more about feeling down in the dumps. I should have no reason for this. Things are well right now. The weather is warm. Baseball season has started. The ladies are smiling back. All is good but I have that feeling like I just want to crawl into bed and never leave. I will continue forcing myself through this. It will go away but still, it's nagging and it sucks.

My agenda for the next 3 days.

Tonight: Drink Guiness at Browns
Friday Day: Sleep in, Clean my house and room, Do taxes
Friday Night: Work the Door at Browns, Drink Captain
Saturday Day: Hang out at Southern View Park and Cookout and Drink Budweiser.
Saturday Night: Merf's Birthday, Drink Old Style
Sunday Day: Easter with the family, Eat good food, Drink Amstel Light
Sunday Night: Unknown


At Friday, April 14, 2006 3:37:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is one problem with this post. Drinking is involved in everything... maybe that is your problem...

At Friday, April 14, 2006 4:14:00 PM , Blogger K- said...

Yeah, I put all that to be humorous. I don't believe that alcohol has a factor in this because I don't drink every day and this has been building either way. Plus a few of those instances of drinking I probably won't be drinking. Like tonight, I think I may just drink water and Sunday may be the same thing. But if I do decide to have a few adult beverages then those would be my choices at that particular time.

BTW, who does anonymous anymore? Can't you post with a name? Most people that check my blog are people that I know...


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