Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I finally had a night in. All this griping and moaning about how I am not taking care of myself is driving me nuts. Last night. I induced sleep with nite meds so I was nearly passed out when my dad came home. He is all like, are you sick. I reply with yes, I have been for like a week and a half. Then he says I need to get rest, I say, what do you think I'm doing right now. Then he replies with what have you been doing for the last week and a half. I'm like, you don't even know. I think he thinks that I go out and get blitzed every freaking night. Hanging out and drinking water while relaxing at a barstool is not hard on my body. I don't do that every night, but I don't drink every night. I like to hang out but I am by no means a party animal like I feel people are making me out to be.

So anyway, I was asleep by 10:30pm last night. That is earrrrrrly for me. I do feel rested but my sinuses are still crazy. I think that I may do that again tonight. Skip Young Adult Group and induce sleep again.

I am very happy the weather is looking good. It helps with my mood in a major way. When it is crappy outside I get really down. Not all the time but it depends on a few factors. It is more like I am more influenced by grey weather.


At Wednesday, April 05, 2006 4:49:00 PM , Blogger the good time girl said...

k, i wasn't trying to gripe. just worried about your being sick so often. no more concern from me.

At Wednesday, April 05, 2006 6:29:00 PM , Blogger K- said...

Yes, IT WAS ALL YOU! YOU YOU YOU. Just kidding. I'm not upset with anyone. Don't apologize. I appreciate the worry, it shows that I know people that care. :)


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