Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sunday Wings

Yes, I still do wings on Sundays. It is a tradition going on about 2 years now (or is it 3?). I don't make it every Sunday but I think it is about 3 out of 4 Sundays per month. It is always a good time. Laid back and relaxing. Good cheap wings and cheap beer and baseball on the tv's (or nascar or football depending on the season.)

Cubs swept Houston today. Awesome. My dad, sisters, and I will be at the Cubs Giants game at Wrigley on Thursday celebrating my dad's 60th birthday. It is my sisters' and my present to him.

I've got to work in less than an hour. I've been at Hollywood for a year now. Time flies. I also will be starting my 4th year with Scope in a week. I also have been at Brown's for over 3 years. I don't have much to blog about lately. Sorry to the anonymous person who commented on the previous post. I didn't know I did this blog for you, whoever you are. How about you call me up and we can do dinner some night and I can tell you all about what is going on in my life.


At Sunday, July 15, 2007 11:19:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Show-Me's was added as a staple of Sundays the summer of 2005. Anyway, way way back, in the days of the K and Ed Binge the Curve and/or Barrel Head was a Sunday thing. The cheap wings and cheap draft beer of Show-Me's was a great addition.


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