Thursday, June 07, 2007

Some Kind of Wonderful

My birthday was a blast. Thanks to everyone who came out to help me celebrate. It means so much to know that I've got wonderful friends and family. Also, for those who were unable to make it out thanks for all the calls and texts and myspace comments.

I got some wonderful thoughtful gifts. I love them all because when I got each gift I thought to myself, "you know me so well". You know they are good gifts when you get things you love and never had to ask for them.

From my Uncle, he wrote me a poem on the spot. I want to share it because I love it so

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Your dad's name is Fred
With whom you should drink some Tullamore Dew

Kyle is known for his shaved head
Which every couple days he must shave anew
Kyle is also known for liking to stay in bed
And they say he's not adverse to a drink or two

Birthdays may sometimes weigh you down like lead
That's why it's good having friends to celebrate that are true
And having birthdays beats the alternative of being dead
It's my hope that you always have full pockets whenever the tab comes due.

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