Thursday, January 06, 2005

I'm a sucker

Yeah, I'm still not feeling up to speed but I hate staying home too many nights in a row. And in this case it would be more than 1 night in a row. Not really a row then is it? More of a point of reference in a row of going out because the night spent at home is in no way a row. So in a few minutes I plan on heading down to the bars. I told Reier that if I came out tonight I would stop into his place. And I think Ed and Jessie might be working at the bar tonight. I'm not sure on that. But I think i've got about 50% that at least one of them will be there. I've popped my ibuprofin and I'm good to go. I'll be drinking my water. Staying hydrated is very key for me but I don't think I will drink as much water as I did last time. Since when I got home and tried to sleep I was up peeing every 20 minutes. It's hard to sleep when that happens. And when you've only got 4 hours before you need to be up to go to work, that sucks even more...

Lots of posting and comments on friends' sites Shoo, Melissa. Check 'em out.


At Friday, January 07, 2005 8:25:00 AM , Blogger said...

kyle, sometimes you cross that line of beeeeing too personal.


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