Thursday, January 13, 2005

What to say

Yeah, I don't have a whole lot to say right now. Today was a long ass day. I have been up since 6am and I have not had a nap. I am surprised that I am still up. Watched the Illini. Friends visited me from ISU. Went out with Ed had a few beers. Saw Merf, Folker, Buck, and Jessie. Saw people I know from HS and they didn't even recognize me so I said, fuck it and didn't make an attempt to be like, Hey! It's me! If they don't realize that it is me standing right in front of them then they are not worth the effort. Came home and now here I am. I still have to get up at 6am which is in about 4 hours by the time I pass out. Super Mario Brothers ROCKS! Sure Becky, you can be my princess or how about concubine. Then it isn't incestual. Ha! Could B be the 1 who walked J to the R on NY?


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