Monday, February 28, 2005


Caffeine is the root of all that good and proper. No not really but I like it very much. Lately my new kick is to try all the generic Red Bull imitations. My favorite based on its name is called "Rock Star" and this includes a "Diet Rock Star" but I actually have not tried the diet version yet. Today I am trying one called "Lost..." Yeah, I know, it has a lame name. The Lost beverage actually is pretty good too. It may replace Rock Star but I think I just liked Rock Star for the name. There are other ones out there and I will be trying those out in due time. I don't get this stuff everyday so it may be a little while before I get back on that one. If you enjoy energy drinks or actually hate Red Bull and think others might be better I suggest trying them and broadening your horizons. What is nice is that, the lesser known ones are more quantity for about the same price.


At Monday, February 28, 2005 3:46:00 PM , Blogger said...

Rockstar is based on the video game company, and Lost... is based on a skate board company

At Monday, February 28, 2005 7:27:00 PM , Blogger K- said...

Right, I did not expect you two to know so much about these seemingly obscure energy drinks. Apparently you two are professionals.

At Monday, February 28, 2005 8:48:00 PM , Blogger K- said...

Also if you notice I placed links to the sites of those drinks. I've read up on them too. So now we're all in the know.


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