Monday, February 28, 2005

I'm irked

Yeah, I said irked. No one does the Academy Awards last night with me except P. Everyone though can go out for drinks at the bars later. I'm trying to get people to do things outside of the bars. Let me emphasize trying. I've even heard some say that they spend too much time at the bar and need other things to fill in the spaces or to rather make spaces in the first place.

Tonight I figure I can get a movie night going. Since everyone took it easy last night so then I assume that people would be willing to see a late flick tonight. Not really the case apparently. I've got 3 people going and that includes myself. Are movie nights losing their flare? Maybe they are. I will keep trying though. Movies are my thing. Everyone sounds so interested but when I come knocking on the door the shades are drawn and the lights are off and a lightly swinging sign says no solicitors. Maybe I'm not pushing the right buttons in the right order. I just want to be able to see people outside of the bars in addition to at the bars.

Don't go off and forget who your friends are. I'm not forgetting you.


At Tuesday, March 01, 2005 7:43:00 AM , Blogger said...

I didn't go to any bar last night.

At Tuesday, March 01, 2005 9:03:00 AM , Blogger K- said...

Mr. Shoo, What's your point? I know you were not at a bar. Can't I just generalize without you thinking it is about you?

At Tuesday, March 01, 2005 10:57:00 AM , Blogger said...


At Tuesday, March 01, 2005 10:59:00 AM , Blogger K- said...

Actually I can generalize. Because my life is not one specific thing. I take bits and pieces from all areas or from none at all. I can story tell too.

At Wednesday, March 02, 2005 2:48:00 AM , Blogger phillip said...

does that mean it was all made up? one of my stories is made up. i don't even remember the story, but even though it was a lie, it captured my roommate willy so perfectly, the story stuck, and my boys from carbondale still tell the punchline ("turtles!" don't ask me why that's funny. i don't remember the story) when we're talking about willy. once i told dan the story was made up and it broke his heart. it was like showing him the man behind the curtain, so i don't tell people when i'm lying anymore.

At Wednesday, March 02, 2005 9:17:00 AM , Blogger K- said...

I didn't make everything up. I sometimes embellish for effect. I should think about that, trying to make up an entire story and see if it sticks of course sometimes that is just considered gossip.


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