Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Stupid Kids

Okay. A friend and I went and saw THE RING 2 last night. Went all the way out to the new theater on a monday night at 7:30pm. Guess what we ended up enduring. Yep, that's it. A whole lot of annoying young teens who wouldn't be quiet. First, before the movie even started I got pegged with a piece of popcorn. I'm a nice guy but I acted tough. First just turning around shut them up, then I said "We're not going to have anymore of that are we?" Then said no. So I got no more popcorn. Thank goodness. But they are kids and it was a horror flick so they are all freaking chatter boxes. My friend was about to lay the smacketh-downeth on them but she bid her time and did not go off. Although I would have enjoyed that immensely. The movie was alright but nothing too great. Maybe if I had seen the first one and maybe if there were not a ton of kid who wouldn't be quiet. It could have been better. I don't know though.


At Tuesday, March 22, 2005 3:12:00 PM , Blogger Sterno said...

Milk Dud wars are always one way to go about it.

Those brats...gosh. I would have snapped and thrown my shoe.

But seriously...who throws a SHOE?

At Wednesday, March 23, 2005 4:22:00 AM , Blogger phillip said...

layeth the smacketh down. god, kyle. why don't you pancake your roody-poo candy ass back to 1999?

At Wednesday, March 23, 2005 9:14:00 AM , Blogger K- said...

That was in no way a WWE reference. It was intended to sound biblical with today's lingo. I'm sorry, I think you are the one with the roody poopy ass muncher or whatever that is.


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