Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Okay, I love Burlington Coat Factory. I just went shopping again. I got 2 pairs of jeans for 9.33 each, among other clothing. 6 things for 70 bucks all together. No more waiting until my birthday and Christmas for clothes. I think I can actually afford shopping for myself now! Ha.

So my battery light came on again today. Apparently getting a new battery was not necessarily what I needed to fix the problem. My car appears to be running fine though. I did need a new battery though. I have to go get light thing checked out soon. I don't want to be without a car for any period of time. I know how much that sucks as I went almost 2 years without a car of my own while up at ISU.


At Wednesday, April 27, 2005 6:48:00 PM , Blogger K- said...

Whatever! I am SO not sounding like a girl... Loser!



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