Saturday, December 03, 2005

Harry Potter 4!!

Well folks, I'm moving right along. I just finished reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. The best one yet. They just get better and better and more intense. I'm really looking forward to the 4th book Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire which was just released as the latest movie.

Does anyone have the 4th book, hardcover that I could borrow until mine comes in the mail? The one I ordered is coming media mail and would probably be over a week or so before I get it especially since I just ordered it on a Saturday night. I got it for 13.25 including shipping. Not bad considering the list price for a new one is 30 bucks.


At Sunday, December 04, 2005 3:37:00 PM , Blogger the good time girl said...

i have it, kyle. you're more than welcome to borrow it and the 5th book if you'd like.


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